Version 3.5
If you have version 3.5 the latest free update is version 3.5.4. However you must upgrade to 3.5.3 before you can apply the 3.5.4 patch. The only differences between 3.5.3 and 3.5.4 are:
- The ability to print under OS 8.0 (I've heard that OS 8.1 doesn't have the printing problem).
- Correctly calculating volume free space on 4 Gigabyte or larger volumes. This could affect your ability to save a document.
- Macros that let you create more robust outlines (thanks John Rethorst).
WordPerfect 3.5 Patches:
- (binary file):
- 3.5.1/3.5.2 → 3.5.3 (2505K)